Thursday, February 27, 2020

Financial Statment Analyasys Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Financial Statment Analyasys - Case Study Example was established in the year 1980 for retail sale of â€Å"natural and organic foods† (Edgar Online 1). It became the first grocer enterprise to receive national organic certification among grocers. The organization’s history has been based on its mission of quality products towards high health standards and supports national movements for natural and organic foods. The organization floated its initial public offer in the year 1992 and currently operates more than 300 stores globally. Most of its stores have many years of existence in the market, with an average of ten years in their respective locations. Most of the stores are in the United States but subsidiaries exist in Canada and the United Kingdom. Retail in natural and organic foods is the organization’s core operation. Focus on social responsibility such as environmental consciousness and the need to improve health through quality product, despite nature of competition, are the most interesting features of the organization. I preferred the company to others because of its prominence in the industry. 2. The purpose of the ‘management discussion and analysis section’ is to offer the management’s position on its organization’s financial features on a times series scale. ... The section also explains existence of competition, describes the entity’s products, and offers a summary of financial data over the past three accounting periods. Its clear and outlined organization is the most interesting thing and it communicates high prospects and stability of the entity. 3. Ernst & Young LLP is the organization’s independent auditor. 4. The auditor’s opinion validates reported information by the management. The auditor’s opinion, in the form, approved the company’s statement to be a fair representation of the company’s financial position. The opinion is unqualified because it offers no reservation on reliability of the financial statements. 5. The company did not change its auditors. 6. The 10-K includes certification statement required by Sarbanes-Oxley and John Mackey signed the certification. The certification qualifies the report’s compliance with sections 13(a) and 15(d) of the Security Exchange Act and that the report is a fair representation of the organization’s financial position and operational outcomes and means the management’s adoption of the financial statements. 7. The lowest stock price for the last financial year was $ 60.39 while the highest price was $ 100.5. The following table summarized trend in data for the period ended 2012. Graph 1: Stock daily closing stock prices 8. The stock prices had a generally decreasing trend with a level of volatility, politics is a major factor as the nation headed for presidential elections in November 2012, and the management did not associate the decline with economic factors. 9. The industry identifies positive prospects based on accounting rations such as revenue growth, return on equity, and long-term

Monday, February 10, 2020

Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 17

Environment - Essay Example From this study, it was found out that biosciences are a sector that employs more than 425,316 people. This is so good because the income generated by these people can be useful in helping the economy in many ways. Apart from improving their purchasing power, they contribute taxes to the government. The other contribution of biodiversity is that it provides useful resources that are used in the economy. For example, plants act as chief sources of medicine used in the treatment of illnesses. A healthy population is pillar to economic growth. Through medical research, life can be made so better because solution can be sought for all the illnesses facing the people of Indiana. Ecological system and biodiversity help in promoting the well being of the Indianans in that it can help in sustainable economic growth and the conservation of available resources for the sake of future generations. This is necessary for economic growth and stability of the state. Once the ecosystem can be sustained and sparingly utilized, no resources can be depleted as they will always be available in the