Wednesday, May 6, 2020

U.s. Security Since 911 - 1368 Words

Changes in U.S. Security Since 911 By Travis Bublitz LA 11 Quarter 3 online May 2015 Then They Were Gone. The twin towers turn into a pile of ash and rubble after two planes disintegrate in the center of both towers. People were running every were to get to out of the ash and smoke fire fighters running in while everyone is running out many not making it back out. From this day on nothing has been the same the people were devastated that it happened and cried out for better security in our nation. Since September 11, 2001 United States security procedures have drastically changed. After the revolutionary war George Washington set a guide line for our national security. First he wanted to â€Å"maintain international independence† then â€Å"focus on economic growth† (Donohue 1589). He felt like that it was important to support our countries economy but not at the price of sacrificing our security. Under George Washington direction the Constitutional Convention wanted a national government that could keep the country safe from foreign attacks and keep the individual states unified. They created a constitution that â€Å"strengthened the national government’s control over the military and foreign affairs, as well as over taxation and commerce† (Donohue 1588, 1591). After the Spanish-American War the focus of the U.S. security changed. United States people felt like they should help shape the international affairs not just sit back and react to them. ThisShow MoreRelatedNational Security : Congress And Defense Policy Essay724 Words   |  3 PagesPolicy / LGAF 6270.LH Session 2 Issue paper / Chapter 3 6 of 911 Commission Report The terrorist attack of September 2001 was a tragedy that could have been prevented by the United States Intelligence professionals. 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